daliHappy Anniversary!

from David and Alison


50 years ago early Aug. Jeff & Dolores were good enough to share the second week of their honeymoon with us. We all went to Algonquin Park for a camping trip. Being (Big game) bear hunters, Jeff & Paul were hoping to see a bBrown-bear-in-springear. Late one night after sitting around the campfire, the girls went in to bed. There seemed to be some hollering at a campsite down the way, but we thought they were just having fun, and  didn’t pay any attention and also went into the tent. Next morning the Ranger arrived and asked if we had seen the bear that was disturbing the campers down the road. Turns out he had tracked it and the tracks went by our tent, missing us by inches.
Later in the same trip, we were down to about $7.00 spending money(no credit cards in those days). Jeff & Paul had to choose, a case of beer or a bottle of booze. We decided on a bottle of James Jamison Irish Whiskey which we would make last for the rest of the trip. That night, being sociable, we invited the campers next door to our fire. Turns out the mans favourite drink was Irish Whiskey. Needless to say, the rest of our holiday was alcohol free.
Before we were married, the 4 of us decided we would rent a cottage at Pt. Elgin for the weekend. Sounds like nothing now, but back in the 50’s it was a big deal. The girls, being concerned, went to Woolworths and bought wedding rings so we wouldn’t have problems renting a place. We had a great weekend, but do recall our friends Marge & John dropping in to see us. Marge was very concerned about our sleeping arrangements.
Late one night, the 4 of us were parked in Jeff’s Chevy behind his Mother’s house at 35 Douglas St. Somehow we got telling ghost stories, trying to get scared. The stories were getting better and it was kind of spooky sitting back there by the river. Suddenly a  face appeared at the window glowing white in the moonlight & scared the bejesus out of all of us. It was Jeff’s Mom. She was worried as she had heard the car drive up, but no one came in.
The 4 of us plus other friends from the car club often went to Ipperwash Beach on a summer Sunday. Back then, we could drive on the beach and had lots of races with the souped up cars. After we were married, we took all the kids to Ipperwash for holidays.
When Jeff & Dolores lived on Douglas St., we lived two houses apart. It was great to have our good friends so close. We often got together to visit & play cards. As we had our children, they  played together at each other’s houses and yards. Also the women got together for coffee. We then moved and Jeff & Dolores moved to Sebringville. We have stayed good friends over all the changes & moves. We see them more now in Bayfield than we did for years.
There are other stories, but some of them shall remain confidential. Our memories of the last 50 years are great, but especially those fabulous 50’s.
We regret not being there for your 50th Anniversary, but at least we shared part of your honeymoon.
Love Marilyn & Paul.


Kastnerfamily2We used to know how to dress up.

KastnerfamilyI shall let someone else attempt to name them all!

Happy Anniversary Dolores and Jeff.  Jeff do you remember the rum factory?
Ellen Trafagander


with Fred Scott_smallThat’s Bill Carlisle with Chris and Jeff and “Smokey?, Sparky?, I don’t recall…

This photo is from my summer job at McTavish Collision. Jeff always commented that we looked like a group of Cubans.


L-R Chris (me),Murray Byers,Jamie McTavish, Paul Neumeister, Gord McTavish and Andy Buck.

Jeff_and_ Anyone care to comment on the identitiy of this young soldier with Jeff? Could it be his cousin Joseph?